Excerpts from A Kind Man

We are delighted to share two excerpts from Jonathan Finney’s new opera, taken from our recording in October 2021.

The story so far: A young man, Tommy Carr, is sick with cancer, and his wife Eve knows that he could die at any time. Eve has spent the night watching at his bedside and Tommy has at last fallen asleep.

This excerpt: Needing some respite, Eve leaves their cottage and visits their daughter Jeannie’s grave, who died only a year before at the age of three. Eve needs this time with Jeannie.

This excerpt: Eve is shocked to see a figure running up the hill towards the church - it is Tommy, who she last saw near to death in their bed. He rushes to Eve, just as confused as she is by his return to health. She questions him, but he has no explanation for his recovery. He describes waking up in bed and realising that he was no longer sick. Eve remains perturbed as she was prepared for Tommy’s death. Tommy says that though they cannot explain his transformation, perhaps it is a good sign for their future.


Video credits

Rebecca Afonwy-Jones sings Eve

Simon Grange sings Tommy

Conductor: Jonathan Finney

Orchestra: London Concertante

Sound engineer: Oscar Torres

Video engineer: Jack Hobbs

Recorded at St Thomas’s Church, London, on 7 October 2021

The premiere will be at Hoxton Hall, London, in June 2022